MU Podcast 050 – Semicentennial with the Count of Chaosium

In this episode, we mark a momentous milestone in the mad machinations of our Miskatonic mayhem — with Chaosium’s master of manuscripts, Mike Mason! Along the way, we talk over a whole sheaf of topics, from reinventing Lovecraft to the vagaries of Keeper style and tips for getting published. What’s more, all four members of the MU assembly miraculously manage to materialize! Plus more in this memorable masterpiece…(ok enough with the alliteration already but it was pretty good).

Campus Crier

In Kickstarter news, Golden Goblin Press is well into its campaign for Tales of the Crescent City. They passed their main goal within a day of launching, and then proceeded to smash through stretch goals like a drunk Gug looking for the bathroom. In case you missed it, Murph interviewed Oscar Rios in the early days of that campaign. Delta Green: Tales from Failed Anatomies We also get an update from a certain inside source on two mega-funded Chaosium Kickstarters, 7th Edition and Horror on the Orient Express. Plus, announcing a date for the MUP Yearbook: it will be ready to release electronically for our two-year anniversary, on March 25! We’re also launching an MUP Crowd Fund campaign (probably Indygogo) for late April or Early May to cover some equipment costs and transport to get all of us to GenCon.

New Crier format.

We are now recording the next show on the day that a show releases. This allows us to do the impossible, same day news cycles! That means that this specific episode has a double Crier, in that we recorded one two weeks ago, and another one today. Chaosium made a post in the updates for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Kickstarter that show mock-ups of cover art for the Keeper’s book and the Player’s Guide. The 10th Most Influential Rhode Islander: HP LOVECRAFT. Not a contemporary of Poe. Horror on the Orient Express LIVE?? He Who Laughs Last – A Cthulhu Dark RPG Scenario The One Literary Reference You Must Know to Appreciate ​True Detective 1d4Con game submissions end tonight! Feedback!
On episode 049 and possible scenario ideas based on horror games? Hey Keepers, this is Jenny. I’ve been a listener for a while (since episode 37) and finally decided to send in an e-mail! Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to play in a Cthulhu game yet but I want to eventually change that. On episode 49 you talked about Lovecraftian video games and it reminded me of something. I don’t know if any of you know about Role Playing Game Maker (RPG Maker) games. There’s quite a few good horror games that might be able to spark some interesting scenario ideas. This site has some translated from Japanese games that might be of interest:  There’s also multiple walk-throughs done on YouTube. In particular, I’ll recommend the Witch’s House. This game is about a young teenage girl, Viola, stuck in a peculiar house. If the player does some in-game investigation (there’s quite a few books labeled “Diary of the Witch”)  the truth of this scenario is revealed. Not to mention the fact that Viola can die very often and in various ways if the player isn’t careful. I won’t spoil the secret but it’s quite a shock! I also recommend Ib (pronounced Eeb) and Mad Father but out of the three games, the Witch’s House is definitely the most horrific. Hope you like the suggestion and go Pods! Sincerely, Jenny

Card Catalog

This week’s hidden online resource is elegantly named…F**k Yeah, the 1920’s! (Fill in your own blanks, there.) It’s a great source of images — check out some examples here and here.


The Horror in Clay

This sculpt will be retired soon, so get it while it lasts!

 Main Topic 

While talking about how to rework the Mythos for you games, we mention Graham Walmsley’s Stealing Cthulhu, a book about…stealing things from Cthulhu and other Lovecraftian inventions. We talked to him in episode 26. How to get published or noticed by a publisher – aspiring writers, artists, etc. Somehow, we get onto the topic of guerrilla marketing and supernatural prankstership, like the coffee shop scene to promote Carrie, the elevator ghost prank in a Brazilian reality show, and the Japanese TV dinosaur attacks. We also get a glimpse into Mike’s accent repertoire, a Chaosium project Dan worked on, and some scandalous rumors about Wales! Join in the conversation here on the Campus Forum!]]>

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