MU Podcast 038 – Con-Madness!

MUP_038_Con_MadnessWe’re back from the convention attack that August brought to us. Dan has been to GenCon, and Chad & Murph have been to NecronomiCon: Providence. We go into depth about these conventions, plus a good amount of news to share.        

 Campus Crier News:

 Last month, August 20th was HP Lovecraft’s 123rd birthday. The Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick-start rules are out to Kickstarter backers. We don’t know when they will be available to the general public, but we’ll let everyone know when we hear something. Friend of the show, Mike Mason has been announced as the new Line Editor for Chaosium! Raiders of R’lyeh Kickstarter has launched and is moving along nicely. A peek at Guillermo del Toro’s sketchbook reveals some of his thought about At the Mountains of Madness. New Edgar Allan Poe podcast is out, featuring one of the Skype of Cthulhu players, Jonathan Powell. A new Kickstarter for the video game: The Moaning Words – An investigation into the Cthulhu Mythos. We’ve joined the d20 Radio Network! RPPR has a nice interview with Sandy Petersen about Cthulhu Wars. We have more contests on the way! Including a copy of the paperback edition of Sense of Sleight of Hand man by Dennis Detwiller! Details of the contests will be announced when we have things in place. Community Sponsor shout-out to G. Godoy. Thank you for helping to keep the podcast rolling! Card Catalog- This episode’s Card Catalog entry is the Welcome to Night Vale podcast. For the side topic, Dan talks about his epic GenCon experiences. Time lapse video of Balloothulhu being created. Videos of the costume parade- YouTube video 1 YouTube video 2 Some photo galleries from around the web- The Doctor on this page is Dan’s friend Charlie on Thursday. Dan’s photos from GenCon. More will be added as he gets copies of pics from Charlie and Grace. The dates for GenCon 2014 are August 14-17. We need to try and get as many MUP staff and listeners together as we can! The main topic is a well detailed discussion about the experiences of Murph and Chad at NecronomiCon Providence. S. T. Joshi’s NecronomiCon Keynote address. Here is the main website for WaterFire Providence. Photo gallery of the WaterFire Providence exhibition.

 The guys got to play in a game of Machine Tractor Station Kharkov-37, run by writer Bret Kramer.
