MUP 145 – Rule Britannia, Stuart Boon!

In this episode, Jon and Chad chat with award-winning author, Stuart Boon, about Mythos and folklore fodder hooks for horror games set in the UK and many other topics along the way. But first, all four of the hosts jump in to go over Crier news and segments. The interview was recorded on May 6, and the Crier and introduction was recorded on May 10, 2018.

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Campus Crier

Squamous Studios has a couple of big announcements coming out. The first is an expansion for the Feed the Shoggoth card game! Final play testing is underway, art is in production, and a Kickstarter for this is expected in the Fall! And there is also a completely new game in the works! It’s called Arkham Relic Hunt, designed by Damon Gregory. In this game players move their Acolyte around Arkham collecting Relics and Cultists to add to their Cult and rack up points. It plays in about 30-60 minutes. 2-4 players. This is tentatively slated for a Kickstart in early 2019. You can look for them at Kublacon in Burlingame, California, this year from May 25th through the 28th. Lynne Hardy has a new scenario out called Scritch Scratch that will be available on the Cult Library on June 8th, just in time for FreeRPG Day. “Scritch Scratch is a one-sitting adventure, easily played in four hours. Perfect for an afternoon at the game store or an evening at your home (after Free RPG Day, of course). And we will have the PDF uploaded to the Cult Library on Friday, June 8th.” The list of participating games stores is here. There is a new short film from Boom Studios called Eldritch Code that is pretty sweet. UK Games Expo is having an all-star party line-up with a live audience adventure extravaganza! If you’re attending UK Games Expo on Saturday, June 2nd, you can be witness as Mike Mason, Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape, John Kovalic of Dork Tower and Munchkin, Jason Bulmahn and Amanda Kunz of Piazo’s Pathfinder play Call of Cthulhu! This “Live RPG Plus” event is being hosted by Knightmare Live’s Paul Flannery. The audience members will also get to participate by offering up game twists and other suggestions to frustrate the players! The Kickstarter for the Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection Board Game finished out very successfully with $106,994 pledged of $25,000 goal. A BIG THANK YOU TO SEAN for editing this episode!


Cyaegha Episode Feedback – Hey guys, Yet another great episode. It was great getting information from the source material. I’ve never thought of using Cyaegha in a scenario before, but I am working on one with the Nagaae. In it, the PCs are a TV crew for a cryptid-hunter show. Their newest episode is on the “Loveland Frog” (which is an existing cryptid if you haven’t heard of it), and unlike their previous episodes that turned up nothing, this turns out to be real, and the “frog” is a Nagaae. Cheers, Danial – P.S. It’s true, my name is pronounced “Daniel” 🙂 Voicemail from Bret Kramer (posting Google’s transcription because it’s just too great not to): Hello, Miska tonic University podcast, it’s Brett Cramer from Sentinel Hill. Press I enjoyed episode 144 Darkness deliver my players into the just had a couple of days now. I wanted to mention one. Is that okay? And I think a little bit of other coverage of Tioga show up in the keepers companion to in the article on like Combs, I think and then monsters at the end of it over they have stats in the game. I think of course when the Mally it’s months program and also one thing I wanted to mention is this actually a fans in called kayak. I think it’s put out by I’m not sure actually who but it comes periodically mostly could do a Mrs. Fiction, very small numbers. I think if you were the 100 copies So you might want to check that out. I can shoot you a link to put in the show notes. So they are up to think episode 20 is Justin out if I recall correctly. I don’t actually own it, but it is something that might be of interest to complete your Kai a good discussion. Anyway, so thanks for the show and go pods.


Oscarius Tabularis has sent us the sixth and final episode in this “season” of Glimpses into the Empire. He’s taking a little vacation in idyllic Ravenna for a while, but plans to come back for another series later. So sit back, peel some grapes, recline in your comfy “triclinium” and enjoy Episode Six – The Heretic. For those of you lamenting the end of Season One of Glimpses into the Empire, don’t fret. Oscarios has agreed to keep in touch while he’s away and answer questions the audience might have for him. So, if you want to know more about just who is Oscarios Tabularius, his personal life, his opinions on Roman history, politics, religion, and culture, or even about The Shadow War being waged in the empire against the forces of the Cthulhu Mythos, email them to The cut off date to submit questions is July 15th. He’s promised to record a bonus mid-break episode where he’ll answer some selected questions. The person who submits Oscarius’s favorite question will receive a small bag of coins, a Cthulhu Invictus Keeper’s Screen, and copy of the fiction collection of short stories Further Tales of Cthulhu Invictus as a prize. Next up, we have a segment from the strangest detention hall evar with Mr. Tyler, who’s back with something TOAD-ally weird. Mr. Tyler’s blog, Skullduggery in the Smoke, is here! Find out more about the UTTERLY HORRIBLE thing baby koalas put into their mouths with the Rifftrax crew.


Interview with Stuart Boon, author of Cthulhu Britannica: Shadows Over Scotland, a sourcebook for Scotland and Scottish adventures for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game published by Cubicle 7. Shadows Over Scotland was published in 2011 and went on to win a number of awards, including Best Roleplaying Supplement or Adventure at the 38th Annual Origins Awards (2012), Best Setting at the ENnie Awards (2012), and Best Adventure Collection at the Diehard GameFAN 2011 Tabletop Gaming Awards. He has since logged lots of writing credits with Chaosium, Sixty Stone Press, Savage Mojo, Golden Goblin Press, and others. Stuart is working on a scenario for Golden Goblin for the upcoming book of scenarios for Catthulhu in the Invictus setting called “Tails of Valor,” and a setting book for Invictus in Britannia as well. A scenario called “Resurrection” for Fear’s Sharp Little Needles from Stygian Fox is also on the way.]]>