MU Podcast 036 – Sammons and Celluloid

This episode is missing both Jon and Chad, so Murph and Dan brought in a ringer! We have returning guest Brian Sammons back to talk about movies, gaming, & ENnies.

We start off the Campus Crier with news that the City of Providence is naming an intersection after HPL. Necronomicon schedule released Ars Necronomica the art gallery for the con is announced. We had an E-mail from Matt reminding us of the movie The Resurrected. It’s an adaptation of The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward and is quite good. Jennifer e-mailed us about our episode 21 “Pulp up the Volume”. She noticed that we didn’t include any stories from writer Larry Correia. She highly recommends his Monster Hunter International series. Then Nathan wrote to tell us about SHADOW BOUND, a five episode black-and-white silent horror web series in the vein of H.P. Lovecraft and the iconic silent horror films from the 1920s. Production trailer

Indiegogo page


We also played a speakpipe voicemail from Alex, composer/producer of the Cthulhu Soundscape currently on Kickstarter.

The ENnie nominations have been announced! And… we’re not one of them.  

Murph has a very favorable review of a Mythos story collection that Brian has edited, Cthulhu Unbound 3.

We touch on some of Brian’s favorite Mythos movies, as well as talk about how to take a non-Mythos movie and make it into a scenario.

  Here are some of Brian’s places on the web: Facebook, Twitter, and Homepage.]]>

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