MUP Ep 283 – Halloween Horror Stories

This episode, Keepers Murph, Dave, and Bridgett are reunited. We discussed Halloween Horror Stories, Halloween Gaming, mentioned a few Halloween themed Call of Cthulhu scenarios… but mostly we just hung out.

And we made Murph sad.

Patreon Plug & Update

We have a Patreon! To back us you can click the button on the sidebar of our website, or head over to Patreon directly at!

Also, we are going to update our Patreon rewards at the beginning of 2024. Before we do that we will send out a survey and gather some data. It’s approaching two years since we redid the tiers and rewards, and now that everyone has a better idea of what works and what doesn’t, we just want to evolve them.

The tiers themselves will not change. But we’re going to tune our rewards so that they are a) things that our backers really like, and b) we can deliver them. 

So look for that survey in November, and new rewards in early January. 

The Discord Plug

We have our MUP Discord and we are all there! We invite all of our listeners to come and enjoy the community of horror gaming and cute pet pics. Link in the show notes: MU Discord server invite link: 

And thank you to our editor Moe for editing this episode. Thanks Moe! 

Bridgett’s Pet Pick Shout Out

I’d like to shout out our own little Vaesen, Roxie, kittuh of UndeadDomain (aka Jesse). This bundle of cute is curled into a dice tray, surrounded by Vaesen books and sheets as her dad preps for a game.

Does that make Undead Domain a Thursday’s child??

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