MUP Ep 271 – Urban Legends

This episode, Keepers Murph and Bridgett riff on some of our local Urban Legends and Folklore in Games!

Campus Crier

The Campus Crier is where we talk about recent Mythos-related events and happenings in the world. This episode was recorded on May 4th, 2023!

Patreon Plug & Update

We have a Patreon! To back us you can click the button on the sidebar of our website, or head over to Patreon directly at!

Speaking of backers, we have a belated thank you to

  • Bucho Rodenberger
  • Steven Nelson
  • GeeMo
  • Claire Mendelsohn

The Discord Plug

We have our MUP Discord and we are all there! We invite all of our listeners to come and enjoy the community of horror gaming and cute pet pics. Link in the show notes: MU Discord server invite link: 

And thank you to our editor Moe for editing this episode. Thanks Moe! 

Bridgett’s Pet Pick Shout Out

This week, I’d like to shout out Casper the rat from listener and fan of the show, Cultist Damon. This cutie could haunt me anytime. I wuv the wittle feeties.

Main Topic — 

Local Urban Legends and Folklore in Games