MU Podcast 030 – Mr. Prolific

This episode has all the Keepers back, with guest host Brian Sammons! Brian is a long time writer for Call of Cthulhu, as well as a fiction writer, editor and reviewer. The topics we cover include a review sent in by community member Gladius, we talk about bribery in games, and we spend time talking to Brian about all the various projects he’s got on his plate.     Campus Crier Jon has comics to pimp. — Where’s My Shoggoth? The web site has coloring pages, video, and an audio reading of the book! I.N.J. Culbard‘s Mythos Tales- The Case of Charles Dexter Ward Deadbeats (Buy it here with free global shipping) At the Mountains of Madness And The Shadow Out of Time is on the way! HPPodcraft Live at NecronomiCon Kickstarter.

Island of Ignorance – The Third Cthulhu Companion!

GM Baal is going to be running us through some CthulhuTech via Skype! Here are some FREE quickstart rules! Core Rulebook

Polls on the forum. Split the Live Play games into their own feed? Separate Mini-Episodes just for non Cthulhu RPG Kickstarters? Card Catalog This week’s hidden online resource for keepers is: This is a handy inflation calculator site that allows you to enter the start and end years of your calculation. It makes figuring out the cost differences fast and easy. Lecture Series The lecture from Dr. Gerard at the Miskatonic University History Department, is on “Trees of Death!”

Review From Gladius on: Daily Life in the Ancient World

Side Topic Logar’s Bribes topic from the forum Main Topic

We have a great time talking with Brian about his gaming group, as well as his past, present and future projects. We even get an exclusive upcoming title that you’ll have to listen to find out what it is!

Brian’s Home Page Robert E. Howard- Cthulhu: The Mythos and Kindred Horrors The Campus Forum topic to discuss this episode is here.]]>

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