Chaosium has a new Line Editor!

Chaosium has announced that the company position of Line Editor is going to be filled by Mr. Mike Mason. Mike has been on the podcast previously in his capacity as one-half the duo who wrote the new 7th Edition rules for Call of Cthulhu. I had the pleasure of meeting Mike at GenCon Indy 2013, and he’s a great guy. Congratulations from the MUP crew on the new position with Chaosium. Here is the official announcement on the Chaosium web site:

Mike Mason, Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition writer and Gentleman joins Chaosium Inc.Fresh Blood – Chaosium Expands!Chaosium are pleased to announce that Mike Mason, co-author of the forthcoming new edition of Call of Cthulhu is joining the team as Line Editor for Call of Cthulhu.
“I’m really excited to be joining Chaosium,” said Mike. “It’s a complete honour! I’ve known and worked with the Chaosium gang for quite a while and I’m over the moon to be joining them. Following in Lynn Willis’ footsteps is a huge responsibility and I’m going to be doing all I can to live up expectations. It’s such a great time for Lovecraftian gaming – with Chaosium leading the way!” As well as seeing the new edition of Call of Cthulhu through to completion, Mike will working with authors and artists to bring about a series of new scenario and source books, as well as revising a few old favourites. “We’ve got a lot of work to do,” said Mike, “ensuring our Kickstarter Backers get the very best books, raising-up some old titles that need a small facelift, and conjuring brand new books that’ll excite fans of the game. I’m looking forward to working with some of the great, established authors, as well as encouraging new people to write for Call of Cthulhu. It’s all go from here!” Mike Mason is the co-writer of the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition Keeper’s Rulebook. Around the turn of the millennium, Mike edited and published The Whisperer, a zine devoted to Call of Cthulhu. In the intervening period Mike set up and ran the Kult of Keepers, a group of Call of Cthulhu scenario writers who organised the UK’s Cthulhu Nationals Tournament. Mike, no stranger to the arcane workings of games companies, previously worked for Games Workshop as Black Industries Line Manager for the Ennie Award winning Warhammer 40,000 RPG Dark Heresy before the line moved to FFG. Nowadays Mike lives in the small village of Gotham, near Nottingham, England, where legend speak of mad men, kings and cuckoos. Mike’s credits include: For Chaosium: Call of Cthulhu Keeper’s Rulebook (7th edition), The Investigator’s Handbook (7th edition), the Simulacrum Unbound chapter for the new Horror on the Orient Express, The Phobia Deck, The Weapon’s Deck, The Curious Character’s Deck, and The Unfortunate Events Deck. Also, contributing editor for Ramsey Campbell’s Goatswood and Less Pleasant Places. Others (as writer/editor): Dark Heresy Rulebook, The Inquisitor’s Handbook, Disciples of the Dark Gods, Purge the Unclean, the Dark Heresy Game Master’s Pack and Character Folio, Valkyrie Magazine, The Whisperer.